Magazine tips from OCR

Magazines as part of a cross-media brief: • layout • typography • use of language • use of images.

The research for the magazines set in Component 01, Section B could lead into the drafting of a layout for the front cover of a new magazine followed by a photography session, producing a set of marked up contact prints for the cover.

Set up mini studio areas and take macro photos of the products. Control lighting and focus. Import photos into Photoshop. Demonstrate basic features of Photoshop (or any other image manipulation software you are using), making sure they understand layers, the magic wand, layer styles, text tool etc. Use the magic wand to cut accurately around the photo of the product (made easier because of the plain fabric background); source a suitable background image from the internet to add meaning to the product; devise a slogan or tagline and select an appropriate font (perhaps using or; experiment with adding shadow to the product or an effect to the text; try using the dropper tool to change the text colour to something cohesive with the images; experiment with the masking tool.

Draw up a rough layout first, then use Photoshop, InDesign etc. to create the cover digitally. Design a new masthead; consider carefully what the sell lines might be; take the cover photo(s) considering how the subject is represented (shot size and angle, lighting, facial expression, colour palette, make up, background, clothing etc. will all have an effect on how the figure is represented, anchored by the text) Remember to consider the price, to include a barcode, date and a web address. These activities may be published (physically or online) and submitted as a preliminary activity.