2A Jungle Book Practical



A 2-3 minute interview with the marketing manager and producer of the new Jungle Book. If  there are three of you the producer and the marketing manager gets interviewed, if only two then take turns playing each of the roles and interview each other. The aim of these interviews is to get your audience to be excited about watching the film, it hasn't come out yet. The producer will talk about the exciting combination of actors and effects and the marketing manager can discuss all the ways they intend to promote the film. Go through your google slides and take notes of all the production and marketing techniques and devise questions for these.

Break it up into sections so that the interviewer can say let's take a look. Give us much information an be as interesting as you possibly can be and try to look at the interviewer when you speak. Maybe memorise a couple of lines at a time and then pause.

- Shot reverse shot (presenter and marketing manager) in the green room or with green sheet so you can insert Jungle Book backgrounds.
- Have a look at some film interviews, watch behind the scenes jungle book CGI clips
- Use your presentations, practise essays and fact sheets for the best bits
- Marketing and Distribution questions and answers do timings - what are the most important aspects of the Jungle Book marketing campaign. Include gimmicks, merchandise and social media.
- Find the clips and images you need to show in the background
- The Jungle Book trailer is saved in the shared media drive
- Find somewhere quiet to film with a blank background and think about lighting

Recommended timings:
Day 1 write script - watch clips and interviews and come up with a list of questions
Day 2 film plan, location, set up, rehearse lines, print scripts
Day 3 film
Day 4 film and edit
Day 5 edit

