Blog update

A reminder of all the things that should be on your blog:

TERM 1A Tasks (labels you need to apply are in bold)

LIAR - Summer Tasks
Language - Genre youtube upload, genre photos, mise en scene advert analysis, semiotics of film poster/advert analysis
Industry - Industry presentations, feedback and improvements
Audience - Moral Panics, Hypodermic Needle, Media Effects, Gillette The Best a Man Can Get
Representation - Collage of media representations, Stereotypes and Countertypes

Theory - Roland BarthesStuart Hall, George Gerbner, Hypodermic, Albert Bandura, Steve Neale, Curran and Seaton

Vocabulary - Mise En Scene, Semiotics, Genre, Denotation, Connotation, Psychographic and Demographic Profiling

Construction - dancing animals, advert re-make, new product for a specific target audience

NEW! Reflection label - for your construction evaluations, peer assessements and assessment 1A feedback

TERM 1B Tasks (include News label in all posts)

Industry and Audience
Circulation and Readership Table with five fact summary of findings
News regulation
Terminology video uploaded
News values
Codes and Conventions of Tabloids and Broadsheets
Front cover analysis  
Newspaper article analysis
Online and Newspaper screencast comparison
Bias in the news (an example for each bias type)